Toolkit for Teachers – Characteristics of Authentic Learning
I remember, wondering numerous times in school, “Why do I need to…
Prezi – Presentation Tool
Description: - Prezi is a presentation tool that helps you organize and…
Key Findings- Social Media’s Role in Education
According to the EdTech Trends and Predictions for 2013, we already know…
Microsoft Word – Document Editor, Viewer
Description: - Microsoft Word is a word processor that allows a user to create…
Think Hard About Learning, Teaching and Schooling
Here is an insight what Scott McLeod shared with us about…
Educator’s Checklist of 9 Podcasts
A perfect checklist for teachers and educators to be inspired and be…
NMC Horizon Report 2013 Higher Education- Summary and Full Report
The NMC Horizon Report 2013 (Higher Education Edition) Report is out and…
18 Android Apps for Education
Here is a list of 18 android apps for education. For Toddlers…
Edshelf- Directory of Websites, Apps
Description:- Edshelf is a directory of websites, mobile apps, and desktop programs…
4 Steps for Technology Adoption
We are all aware of both the pros and cons of technological…
Online Education Affecting Students
Online education for K-12 students spread rapidly this year, aided by new…
Technology -helping me or Distracting me
Today we all have to admit that technology is not only doing…
Why teachers need to learn from students?
Now days with the advancement in technology and integration of technology with…
Technology in Classrooms
Social media, video games, blogs and wikis are playing increasingly important roles…
Tools for Personalized Learning
Teachers have always known that a typical class of two dozen or…