Want to Teach Kids How to Code? Here’s Where You Start
Computer knowledge is a very essential requirement for students even at their…
Best Technological Ways to Increase Engagement in Classroom
“Why do we need a change in classroom practices”? Hearing the phrase…
EdTech Insight: Impact of Game-Based Learning on Students
‘Learning’ means the attainment of skills and thought processes necessary for responding…
Best Tools for Project Based Learning
Do you remember your schools days when you used to sit in…
Tackling the Tech Savvy Generation in the Classrooms
This is a a guest post by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, Vice President…
Our Clients
Welcome to our prestigious client list that includes Educational Institutions as well…
EdTech Companies by Educators – Educators Turned Entrepreneurs
Now, the emerging trend of thinking creative has lead many to start…
18 Android Apps for Education
Here is a list of 18 android apps for education. For Toddlers…
Associate Camera and Digital Artist Interns
Looking for Associate Camera and Digital Artist Interns We are looking for…