Videos To Watch If You’re Leading A Dyslexic Friendly Classroom
The degree of difficulty a child faces with dyslexia with reading, spelling,…
Videos You Must Watch To Make That Dysgraphia Friendly Classroom
Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects how the student forms letters,…
Videos About Assessment Educators Must Watch
Assessment is the core to any pedagogy.
How Indian UPSC or IAS Online Coaching Institutes are Using Videos?
Becoming a civil servant in India takes a lot of hard work…
YouTube Awards Eight Indian Creators with YouTube Learning Fund to Help Develop High-quality Educational Content
While many of us use YouTube to watch the latest songs, videos,…
Must Watch Videos on Assistive Technologies in Classroom
While technology in classroom has been able to add stars to learning,…
YouTube Channels for Teachers’ Professional Development
We spend a lot of time YouTubing. But the next time you…
5 Videos to Help Teachers Get Started with Project Based Learning
How often has it been that you were discussing with your fellow…
Videos to Help You Teach Students the Importance of Digital Footprints
As we see today digital crime is almost exploding in ways that…
5 Best Videos to Refer For Classroom Strategies For Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry based learning is a technique that helps students increase student engagement…
5 Videos on Classroom Hacks to Make Teachers Job Fun & Easy!
You must have heard innumerable times that the combination of talented teachers…
5 Best Videos on What Thought Leaders Say About the Future of Education
When one talks of the education sector, I am sure the first…
5 Best Videos to Refer When Talking of Social Emotional Learning
One concept that has widely flourished across schools and colleges of developed…
5 Great Videos on How School-Parent Communication is Evolving
A lot has changed in the way school, and parents communicate in…
Student Online Protection Videos You Must Watch
Students spend most of their time online and that’s no news anyway!